My name is Carter Blankenship, I'm a
owner-operator in the
trucking industry and have been since 1991 when I bought my 1st
truck, of course fuel was only 95 cents per gallon max and I would get
anytime that I had to pay more than that. Who would have ever thought
of $3 dollars + a gallon. But it has come and is here to stay!! I've
been searching for a solution for years.

My truck that I currently drive is a 1999 Kenworth T-2000 with a
Series 60 Detroit Diesel with 1,026,578 miles on it today and it is
running better than ever with the six-pack system. I have more pulling
power, take-off torque, a smoother & quieter motor, and most
important a 20% to 25% increase in fuel mileage
(5.5 - 6 mpg to 7 -
7.5 mpg) and not to mention a much cleaner exhaust which will benefit
all mankind especially future generations to come!
The six-pack can be assembled & operating in 1-2 days or a
easily..or installed if purchased already assembled in a few hours or
less. All with basic hand tools and parts that are easy to purchase at
the local auto parts store / grocery store...
I highly recommend the six-pack to anybody wanting to increase
mileage, improve power, have a smoother & quieter engine, keep
the environment cleaner and boost an old idea into the future with
benefits all can enjoy!!
After 17 years on the road and 3 million miles driven in a
semi-truck, I only wish I had the six-pack system that 1st day in
January 1991
when my trucking career began..I could have saved enough money to have
owned a Lear Jet by now!! Safe Travels & Keep Up
the good work!!
Thank You Very Much for your product, time, research, and support; you
guys are true pioneers!!!
Best Regards !!
H2O Power Systems
7341 Hunting Camp Rd.
Fairview , Tennessee 37062

This is also good for your family car or SUV! More
Hi, Ozzie Freedom here. I'm the Founder and CEO of .com
been active for two years with great successes: double mileage,
sometime almost triple (!) mileage on cars and small trucks.
- The simplicity of the technology is this: water is split
into a SMALL
amount Hydrogen and Oxygen ("HHO" or "Brown's Gas") and these gases are
used to BOOST
engine efficiency, thus saving fuel,
cooling down the engine
while drastically reducing emissions.
- For 2 years we were not sure how diesels would respond to
- The first ray of light appeared when Giorgio Rossi from
Italy (Water4Diesel) achieved 77% better mileage with ONE
on a 1.9 liter Turbo-Diesel car. That was January 2008.
- Now it's Carter Blankenship III with his BIG rig truck,
12.7 liter Turbo-Diesel. Up to 26% better mileage with six
- Carter reports that his big rig truck pulls better uphill
and the 1-million-miles engine feels like new!
- Carter is saving $200-$400 a week on his diesel fuel (one
truck!), and intends to market this technology to other
- I intend to support this, and that's why I have created
- Anyone with skills and/or connections in the trucking
industry is welcome to join and help spread the word and the
technology!!! The first two thing you can do is:
- Order my books just like
Crater Blankenship did, and learn how this technology works - and more
- Sign up for our free affiliate
program, and earn 50% when you tell others the good news.
This is just the beginning, but we already know
that you can
supplement your truck's fuel with WATER and achieve a considerable
amount of
savings on fuel AND maintenance costs. WHILE PREVENTING SMOG. And
what's more, you can do it
with simple and affordable
do-it-yourself devices!!!
is basically the same technology as . NO
SIMPLE as you will see in the photo gallery.
Double mileage is harder to do on big rigs, but how about saving 20%-25% on gasoline
- using water on a big rig?
Isn't that great? Bill Lang, the
original developer of , met
with Carter Blankenship in January 2008, and he reports:
Hi Ozzie,
I have wonderful news. The Ozzie/Lang Six Pack
works on Tractor Trailer
Rigs for long hall trucking. Units that currently do the same job sell
for $3,000.00 and up. The guy who built and tested the unit Carter
Blankenship III,
installed it on a KENWORTH 1999, IN LINE 6-cyl ENGINE. CARTER DRIVES
ABOUT 1,000
savings are in the range of $200.00 to $400.00 per week, depending on
load and terrain.
...He intends to build and install for truckers. In the past we have
discussed the fact that children are afflicted from the exhaust of big
rigs, in metro areas all over the country and addition of this simple
technology could and will impact on this problem - well this is now
to happen! Whether by divine intervention, the invisible hand of the
free market, by the due diligence of our mutual effort for all life, by
whatever just happens! It happens because it has to happen,
because it is fitting, it is just, it is good, a must needs no why.
...I really do not believe that HHO could be spread much faster that
truckers could spread it and it will develop
far faster as well as these guys are all HAND ON type folks. So the new
market is inter-state truckers and long haul trucking.
Bill Lang
Gulf Laboratories
Clearwater, Florida

FREE for a
limited time - CLICK TO ENROLL
A Word Of Caution
Beware - anybody trying to sell you some "Patented
technology", or is talking about "exclusive inventions" and so forth,
is just pretending to own some "Intellectual Property" in the water
fuel industry. Well, there are some Patents here and there, but...
Bill Lang of Gulf Laboratories (Florida) and Ozzie Freedom of
(California) are here to tell you this: YOU OWN THIS TECHNOLOGY -
water fuel knowledge is now Public
Domain. In other words THIS TECHNOLOGY BELONGS
TO YOU, you just didn't know about it! We are holding no secrets
and no patents - so your rights, for the first time, are given to you
as they should. This means you are welcome to get the knowledge and
make as many devices as you like for yourself, your friends and your
Now that's a
revolution for you!
Another caution is this: those who do not understand the
technology will try to tell you that it is dangerous, impossible,
illegal, etc.
They have false data from their dim high-school days, and fears of the
unknown. Some people call me and describe Hollywood-style explosions,
"scientific proofs" of why it cannot possibly work in this universe,
I drive a water hybrid car daily - it doesn't explode, it
doesn't rust and it doesn't give me any trouble. I've shown my water
hybrid car to many 100's of people. Beware of
self-appointed "experts" - they will try and stop you from looking into
this "new" wonder (which is actually 92 years old going 93).
Photo Gallery -
Carter Blankenship III

What's Next?
Step 1: Get These
Unique Online Books:

When you place an order below you will receive
access to a pair
of very informative, very revealing no-secrets-held online books:
(Book 1) "Modify Your Car* to Save Gas USING WATER!!!"
(Book 2) "How to Save Tons of Fuel With Your Hydrogen-On-
Book 1 is about the technology itself, while Book 2
is about the money, it shows you how to use THIS technology to
save $$$.
*Great for
trucks too!!!
These are e-books
(electronic books) and are delivered ONLINE - if your computer can
handle THIS website, then you can read or print these books using your
browser. No download time, you get immediate access. Available in 9
languages: English,
Italian, Portuguese, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and German.
Plus, you get free
access for all future updates!
Let me make this clear: The information is ONLINE, not
by email and not by paper.
It's online, and online only. The books sit on the Internet.
Why online books? Thanks to all the feedbacks from our
readers, evolves and improves, and it's happening REAL FAST. We
want you to have the latest updates immediately.
Every improvement, every new piece of information,
and every new chapter, shows up automatically and immediately in all 9
languages for YOUR immediate use. You can visit the books as many times
as you need and want. You will always see the latest information!
And what if you have already printed the books? No Problem. Next time
you visit the online books, have a look at the updates list - it tells
you where the major updates are, and any new chapters you need to see.
Have you seen ANY competition to this in the entire automotive industry?
Desk) |
Want to know more before you order? Check the links at
the bottom of this page for many more book samples, success stories
around the world for both diesel and gasoline (petrol) vehicles,
frequent questions such as: Is it safe? What about freezing weather? Is
it safe to shop here? How can I get my money back? How to make money
with this system? Who can install? Where to get DISCOUNTED systems? And
much more...
I want you to be totally safe and confident when you
click the red button below to get instant access, that you are ordering
a workable product. A product backed up by results and a professional
help desk service, that will pay for itself in less than 30 days when
used on a truck.
Step 2: Affiliate
already has in place a very successful affiliate program
(selling our best-seller books which
also include free access to
discounted systems),
which we are going to develop into the truckers world. At the moment
it is not fully implemented, however you can start today promoting books
and earn high commissions (50%, absolutely free to join the program).
More details below, just wanted to tell you that our affiliates LOVE
the program. Below is a small sample of the many thank-you letters I'm
getting; this one is from an American guy who's an affiliate and
also a manufacturer-installer:
this is AWESOME!!!! I'm loving it! Thank you so much!
Take Care,
To join the affiliate program (general, for cars AND trucks) CLICK HERE
Step 3: Manufacture
& Install for Fun & Profit
When you order our books you also
(1) get a list of vendors who are manufacturing our systems, and (2)
get all the logistics information necessary to manufacture devices and
systems commercially. You will NOT be charges any extra fees or
royalties, since this technology is Public Domain. Here's a
recent success story from a truck driver who is now making 2-3 times
MORE money than he was doing when driving trucks - and he did it in a
few short weeks:
Hi Ozzie,
Business has picked up considerably and I thank you all
for this wonderful opportunity.
You know back in December 2007, I was a truck driver making good money
but working hard and every day. One month later, I have my own National
and International manufacturing and distribution shop, making 2-3
times more money per week than when I was driving truck. Thank you
all at Water4Gas from my family to yours. Go Green!
Tucson, Arizona
To become a manufacturer and/or installer, just order the books. The rest is included at no cost
whatsoever and you will get instructions on how to enlist yourself (so
we can send you customers ready to buy).
The New-New HOT Thing in The Automotive Industry is...
brain child: the Truckers
Survival Club! This club has no competition and is a totally new
group and activity. As promised, the Truckers
Survival Club
has been established in February 2008 and is based
on the following principles:
- We
recognize the existence of dangers: the
trucker's survival is
on the borderline and is getting harder; dangers of accidents,
and general health deterioration because the driver has to stay longer
and longer hours and days on the road just to survive - which keeps him
away from his family and friends; fleet owners/managers are having a
hard time keeping up with insane gas prices. Visible cracks in
customer's loyalty due to their efforts to keep their prices down, threatens to
throw the entire industry into a chaos of slash-throat price wars.
- We, all members of Truckers
Survival Club,
don't just recognize the existence of dangers -
but we operate from the standpoint that SOMETHING CAN BE DONE
ABOUT IT. We offer EFFECTIVE TOOLS to battle these dangers and
eventually finish them off. And we are decidedly waiting no longer
- we do something NOW.
- This is probably our most important principle of
operation: We
do NOT wait for approval from governments, universities, scientists,
experts, politicians, or any other institution up in the clouds.
Instead, we are the people's operation. WE HELP EACH OTHER
- We do not advocate
revolutions or hate. Everything will fall into place if we just
do the right thing - and if we keep on doing it and keep on doing it
and keep on doing it - until we achieve what we need and want.
- ANYBODY in the Truckers
Survival Club
is more than welcome to PARTICIPATE in the actual
activity and earn decent money: manufacturers, mechanics, installers,
detailing shops, affiliates, distributors and other marketers,
instructors, insurers, legal protection and identity protection
services, carriers, trucking companies, staffers, health consultants,
freedom consultants, etcetera, etcetera. Everybody in the industry and
related industries is invited to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
- Ozzie's corporation, 1 Freedom, who manages the Truckers
Survival Club,
is in the process of converting to a Non-Profit
Organization (NPO).
However we DO NOT expect anybody else, including individual club
members, to work
for free. On the contrary, we expect YOU, the individual, to earn a
decent living for yourself and for your family. That's why we are
building more and more ways to earn. You deserve fair exchange for your
efforts, for your time, and of course for your valuable connections.
- The only "ticket" a member is required to buy in to
the Truckers
Survival Club
is to purchase the informational
product for a one-time fee. This is the only member's donation that
allows the corporation
to continue to operate. By becoming a member you're not just getting a
pair of books, you're getting a "ticket" into the world of
where you get free tech support, exchange development notes with other
members, you can manufacture royalty-free hot products, build your
business and stay ahead of the competition by constantly getting the
latest developments, all at no extra charge.
Who Can
Participate? (partial list):
- Truck Drivers and their
Girlfriends, Mothers
- Administrative/Logistics
- Cargo & Freight Brokers
- Carriers – LTL (Less Than
Trailer Loads) & TL (Full Trailer Load)
- Collections Companies
- Equipment Manufacturers
- Expedited Trucking
- Fast Cash/Factoring (Loans
to Truckers)
- Fleet Management Companies
& Individual Fleet Managers
- Freight Audit
- Freight Forwarders
(Shippers Contracts)
- Freight Matching Companies
- Fuel & Lubricants
- GPS (Global Positioning
System) Technology Service/Equipment
- Heavy Hauling
- Insurance Companies
- Intermodal Trucking
(multiple transportation modes such as: Rail, Ship & Truck)
- Legal (Including ID Theft
Protection) & Tax Services
- Movers
- Parts & Products
- Permits &
- Pilot Cars Suppliers
- Publishers: Magazines,
Newspapers & Websites
- Recruiting & Staffing
(Trucking Jobs) Companies
- Safety Products &
- Sales – Dealers Of New
Trucks, Used Trucks, Trailers & Equipment
- Software & Computer
- Tracking Services and/or
- Training & Schooling
for Truckers
- Truck Maintenance
Companies & Individuals
- Truck Manufacturers
- Truck Shows
- Truck Stops
- Trucking Associations
& Trucking Educational Services
- Trucking Discussion Groups
- Trucking Portals &
Websites (Trucking Industry Information)
- Warehousing & Storage
- Weather Information,
Mileage, & Routing Companies
- Wireless Products Providers
- Other Services:
Miscellaneous Products & Service Providers
- Anybody who owns a Truck,
has seen a truck in his dreams, and anybody who has heard that
CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT - and wants to take ACTION.
What Can YOU Do to Help?
First of all, you should get our books,
so you too can achieve the same great results for your truck, for
your company fleet - and for your environment! As mentioned above, this
informational product treasures much more than a bunch of pages, it is
a totally unique business-in-a-box offer. You'll be helping us to
continue the research and developement, which will come back to you.
Additionally, we'd like to know what else YOU think you
can contribute to the Truckers
Survival Club? Please answer all
questions below (your information will NEVER be sold or given to third