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Ozzie Demo Car

Mecca of Water4Gas: Live Car Demo!

When you purchase my books you have COMPLETE ACCESS to the technology. You will be able to test it, to buy or make it yourself, to sell it for profit, etc.  Your risk is very small, mainly your time to experiment for yourself. Putting together a complete system and installing it should cost under $200 in most countries of the world.

However, if you are not willing to risk anything, or if you have already purchased my books but you need more reality on it, come and see a real-life demo in Los Angeles - or send a friend! We've seen people coming from Los Angeles and Orange County, from all parts of the continental USA, from Hawaii, and even from remote countries as far as Japan!

  • ALWAYS CHECK THESE DETAILS HERE FOR LAST MINUTE CHANGES. Since browsers tend to keep an old copy of the information, always click F5 (on your keyboard) to refresh the information.
  • Place: Woodley Park, Van Nuys, Los Angeles.

  • Access: highways 405 and 101, Victory Blvd, Van Nuys Blvd, or Burbank Blvd.

  • Address: 6242 Woodley Ave. - Between Burbank Blvd and Victory Blvd.
    click here for MAP and DRIVING DIRECTIONS

  • Where to park: on the WEST SIDE of Woodley Ave (across the street from the grass/picnic areas), near the sign "Apollo 11 Model Aircraft Field" BUT NOT INSIDE THE FLYING FIELD - STAY OUTSIDE NEAR THE ENTRANCE SIGN, PLEASE. See photo:

  • Time: Saturday 12:00-1:00 PM.  EVERY Saturday, rain or shine.

  • Note: the place is hot with no shade - bring a hat and drinking water!

  • Rules: no sales, no installations in the park! This is a meeting place to show & tell, not a mechanic's yard or a shop. You need a license from the city to perform such things in the park, and I don't have any license.

    It's permitted and desirable to bring your own water-hybrid car, to show it off too.

  • See you there!
